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This school believes that regular and full time attendance is essential if children and young people are to benefit fully from their school career and that punctuality is of equal importance.
In order to promote high standards of attendance the school will:
- Promote a welcoming and positive atmosphere in school, where children feel safe and that their presence is valued.
- Enable parents to feel their support of this Policy is recognised by the school as a vital contribution towards their child’s education, and incorporated with the school prospectus.
- Create attitudes towards high standards of attendance and punctuality, which pupils should retain through life.
- Ensure that attendance is maintained effectively and absences or lates are followed up promptly.
- Meet legal requirements, with particular reference to identifying unauthorised absence.
- Check registers twice daily and phone parents of absentees and identify patterns of absence and lateness, if they are occurring.
- If absence/punctuality become a matter of concern, use strategies devised in order to raise parental awareness of the importance of attendance and punctuality, so that they will make more effort to ensure their child attends school punctually and regularly (see next section ‘Strategies to Promote and Maintain Attendance and Punctuality).
- Involve other agencies when difficulties arise, and the school needs extra support or help as appropriate.
- Ensure all staff are aware of School Policy and deal consistently with absence and punctuality.
- Ensure information on attendance/punctuality is available for Governors, as required.
- Ensure good liaison when a change of school occurs.
- Keep accurate registration documents to include authorised/unauthorised absence.
Promoting and Maintaining High Standards of Punctuality and Attendance
It needs to be remembered that children in education are dependent on their parents/carers, who are responsible for their level of attendance and punctuality. It is vital that children enjoy coming to school and will, therefore, whilst being encouraged to attend well and on time, not carry the blame if their parents are not supportive or effective in these areas.
Absence Procedure
If your child is unwell we ask that you phone the school on
01252 514194 or email as soon as possible on the first day of absence, and every day of absence until their return.
This should be followed by a note explaining the reasons for the absence on the student’s return to school.
If your child has an unavoidable medical appointment during School hours please email or telephone the school office.
If your child is experiencing diarrhoea and/or vomiting. Please click here for NHS advice and guidance.
Should my child go to school today?
Advice from the NHS regarding illness and attending school.
Advice Measles – what to do
Holidays during term time
Headteachers are no longer able to authorise holiday requests. If your child has unauthorised absence you may be issued with a penalty notice and fine.
Information on Penalty Notices
In cases of exceptional circumstances leave may be applied for by emailing the form below to the School.
Application for Leave in Exceptional Circumstances
If you are unable to email the form please print off a copy and return to the School Office.
Click here Hampshire County Council Behaviour and Attendance webpage