Exams Information

General Exam Information

All exams are run in accordance with the official Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). The key points of these are summarised in posters outside the Exam rooms. All candidates are required to know what these key points are, and abide by them.

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) documents listed below are essential reading for all students scheduled to take external examinations.

The notices tell you what you are permitted to take and what you are not permitted to take into the examination room. They tell you how to behave and what to do if you need help during an examination.

Samuel Cody School  staff and invigilators do not set the rules, but they are responsible to the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) for enforcing them. Strict penalties are applied to anyone breaking them. This could mean disqualification from a paper, an examination, or even a whole examination series. Please read them carefully and if there is anything that you do not understand, ask a member of staff or the exams officer.

Also available is the notice regarding Controlled Assessments. Students undertaking controlled assessments should read this notice carefully and share it with your parents/guardians. Again, if there is anything that you do not understand, please ask before you submit your work or begin the assessment.

Results and Appeals policy

Information for candidates – Social Media

Information for candidates GCE, ELC and Project qualifications – coursework assessments

Information for candidates: non-examination assessments

Information for candidates For on-screen tests

Information for candidates For written examinations