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Art Intent
We aim to encourage children to interact with a range of media in whatever way makes them feel comfortable. Children in EYFS might start by using their hands to make marks with paint and may be encouraged to notice and name the different colours.
KS1 & 2
Children will start to think about how to present art works related to their topic, for example: they may use their cutting skills to produce a collage, or they may be asked to draw or paint a picture related to the subject they have been learning about. They may also use media such as crayons, pastels and paint to help them with letter and number formation.
Children will hone their art skills in KS2. They may start to think about colour-mixing. In addition, they may also make choices about their use of different media for a particular art project. Teachers will show children a range of techniques for representing an object or scene effectively.
Art is used throughout the school during Bucket Time, where adults produce exciting visual effects and art works to engage the children. One of our enrichment activities on a Friday afternoon is Arts and Crafts, where children of all ages gather together to carry out an art activity.