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Food technology provides the skills and develops the knowledge in order for pupils to manage their own and future family lifestyles.
The work is mainly practical, developing the pupil’s skill using small kitchen equipment, following instructions and working co-operatively. Initially, this involves making simple wraps and sandwiches before using the oven and hob. In addition, other household skills are considered, which will enable the pupils to be as independent as possible: food storage, food and personal hygiene, safety and shopping.
By the end of key stage 3 their confidence in their own ability has improved, with the aim that the majority of pupils are able to plan, prepare and cook two simple dishes for a meal. The use of the ‘Eat well guide’ assists pupils to consider healthy eating throughout the course.
At key stage 4, the department offers Edxcel BTEC Home Cooking skills at level 1 and 2.
Pupils are encouraged to take the recipes home to extend their cooking skills. Parents of year 7 and 8 pupils are invited to ‘Cooking Together’ sessions after school.