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The status of religious education within the curriculum
Religious education is taught as part of the basic curriculum alongside the National Curriculum.
Religious education has equal standing in relation to the core and foundation subjects within the school.
At Samuel Cody we follow the guidance given in Living Difference IV, The Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton.
All students in Years 7 to 11 have one lesson of RE per week. In years 10 and 11 students gain AQA Unit Awards linked to the topics as outlined on the Long Term Plan.
The purpose of religious education
Living Difference IV seeks to introduce children and young people to what a religious way of looking at and existing in the world may offer in leading one’s life, individually and collectively.
Religious education in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton intends to play an educative part in the lives of children and young people as they come to speak, think and act in the world.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Religious Education will make a contribution to the curriculum which will promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of the students at the school and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Local Community Links
The department offers students the opportunity to visit local places of worship and to interact with the community.
The students will be able to explore religious traditions in a meaningful way, through evocative forms of stimuli, to engage their interest, and to help their understanding.
Equal opportunities
The department aims to give all students equality of opportunity, whatever their ability. This involves setting suitable learning challenges for all students, responding to the diverse needs of the students and overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of students. Religious Education promotes the idea of the subject being accessible to all students regardless of race, colour or creed. RE is able to provide students with an opportunity to explore issues of equality, including discrimination, gender, prejudice, and stereotyping
In Key Stage 3 Christianity, Sikh, Islam and Humanism are studied in depth, while students are introduced to aspects of Buddhism and Judaism as overview studies. Special people and aspects of climate change are included in the overview studies. There are also opportunities for students to undertake their own research project through a Pondering Time Study.
In Key Stage 4 Christianity, Islam, Sikh, Buddhism and the Hindu faith are all studied through the completion of AQA Unit Awards.
Each topic is taught through the implementation of a concept word and concept cycle.
Click here Year 7 Medium Term Plan
Click here Year 8 Medium Term Plan
Click here Year 9 Medium Term Plan
Click here Year 10 Medium Term Plan
Click here Year 11 Medium Term Plan
Click here RE Department Curriculum Statement